Shows – Hungary
This section contains all the exhibitions in the country Hungary.
0 dog
21 August 2021, «British and Australian Sheepdog Club of Hungary»
Hungary, Monor (Pest)
Judges: Muzslai Ildikó
2 dogs
13 Juni 2021, «Angol Ausztrál Pásztorkutya Klub»
Hungary, Monor (Pest)
Judges: Muzslai Ildikó
1 dog
14 February 2020, «Fehova Winter dog show»
Hungary, Budapest (Budapest)
Judges: Vyguzov Igor' Anatol'evich
1 dog
10 Juni 2019, «Angol Ausztrál Pásztorkutya Klub»
Hungary, Komárom (Komárom-Esztergom)
Judges: Muzslai Péter